5 research outputs found

    Analysis of Blood Platelet Studies

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tématem trombocytové studie vytvořené v nemocnici Nový Jičín. Cílem je zanalyzovat získaná data z integrovaného klinického informačního systému IKIS. Pro studii byli vybráni vhodní dárci s určitou hodnotou krevních destiček, kterým byl odebrán trombokoncentrát. U dárců s vysokou hodnotou krevních destiček řešíme otázku, zda s kvantitou roste také životaschopnost trombocytů, dále zda je kvantita vázaná na faktory humorální či buněčné imunity nebo je odvozena od genetických predispozic. Předpokládáme, že kvalita koncentrátu je závislá na dárci. Již nyní víme, že při výběru vhodných dárců na tvorbu trombokoncentrátu, musí být zohledněny i další parametry, než jen kvantita krevních destiček v krvi.This bachelor thesis deals with thrombocyte studies made in hospital in town Nový Jičín. The main aim is to analyze information obtained from an integrated clinical information system IKIS. There were chosen suitable donors for this study with certain concentration of platelets in blood and was taken platelet rich plasma. There are several questions about donors with high concentration of platelets in blood. For example, if with quantity grows viability of platelets, or if is quantity connected with humoral or cellular immunity or genetic predispositions. We assume that quality of concentrate depends on donor. Nowadays we know that the quantity of thrombocytes in blood is not the only parameter we have to study and there are many other parameters to examine.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Towards to optimal wavelet denoising scheme - A novel spatial and volumetric mapping of wavelet-based biomedical data smoothing

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    Wavelet transformation is one of the most frequent procedures for data denoising, smoothing, decomposition, features extraction, and further related tasks. In order to perform such tasks, we need to select appropriate wavelet settings, including particular wavelet, decomposition level and other parameters, which form the wavelet transformation outputs. Selection of such parameters is a challenging area due to absence of versatile recommendation tools for suitable wavelet settings. In this paper, we propose a versatile recommendation system for prediction of suitable wavelet selection for data smoothing. The proposed system is aimed to generate spatial response matrix for selected wavelets and the decomposition levels. Such response enables the mapping of selected evaluation parameters, determining the efficacy of wavelet settings. The proposed system also enables tracking the dynamical noise influence in the context of Wavelet efficacy by using volumetric response. We provide testing on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) image data and EMG signals mostly of musculoskeletal system to objectivise system usability for clinical data processing. The experimental testing is done by using evaluation parameters such is MSE (Mean Squared Error), ED (Euclidean distance) and Corr (Correlation index). We also provide the statistical analysis of the results based on Mann-Whitney test, which points out on statistically significant differences for individual Wavelets for the data corrupted with Salt and Pepper and Gaussian noise.Web of Science2018art. no. 530

    Thrombotic and Atherogenic Genetic Predisposition in Polyglobulic Donors of Blood and Blood Components

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    V této diplomové práci jsou zpracovány výsledky genetických hematologických vyšetření pacientů (majoritní skupinu tvoří muži), kteří mají predispozice k ateroskleróze a žilním trombózám, ale neprojevuje se u nich primární myeloproliferativní onemocnění, jako je Polycytemia vera, charakteristické mutací JAK V617F. Pro analýzu je využita homogenní skupina 199 jedinců, jejichž genetická vyšetření poskytla nemocnice Nový Jičín. Výsledky práce hodnotí, proč si část mužské populace vytváří trvale vysoké hladiny hemoglobinu v krvi, bez diagnózy myeloproliferativní choroby a jak s tím souvisí vyšetřované parametry aterogenní a trombogenní z hlediska heterozygozity a homozygozity nebo věku. Pro zpracování dat je využit dataminingový program Rapid Miner, umožňující tvorbu kontingenčních matic a interaktivní programové prostředí MATLAB. Největším přínosem studie jsou skupiny endoteliální ischémie, kardiovaskulární trombogenní dysfunkce, metabolická homocysteinová trombogenní dysfunkce, trombogenéza a trombolýza a receptorový endoteliální tromboembolismus. V práci je popsán predikční model záchytu rizikových dárců dle vytvořené klasifikace pomocí rozhodovacího stromu a vytvořeno grafické uživatelské rozhraní pro zjednodušení interpretace výsledků.The results of genetic haematological examinations are processed in this diploma thesis. The majority group of patiens consists of men. Examined patiens are predisposed to have atherosclerosis and venous theombosis, but do not show primary myeloproliferative diseases such as Polycytemia vera characterized by JAK V617F mutation. A homogeneous group of 199 individuals whose genetic testing was provided by the Nový Jičín Hospital is used for the analysis. The results of the work evaluate why a portion of the male population consistently produces high hemoglobin levels in their blood, without the diagnosis of myeloproliferative disease, and how the investigated parameters are atherogenic and thrombogenic in terms of heterozygosity and homozygosity or age. A data mining program Rapid Miner is used for data processing, enabling the creation of contingency matrices. The greatest contributions of the study are the groups of endothelial ischemia, cardiovascular thrombogenic dysfunction, metabolic homocysteine thrombogenic dysfunction, thrombogenesis and thrombolysis, and receptor endothelial thromboembolism. Predictive model of risk donor capture is described in this work, the model was created according to previously created classification and is based on a decision tree. Graphical user interface was also created in this work to simplify the interpretation of results.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Analysis and testing of a suitable compatible electrode's material for continuous measurement of glucose concentration

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    The subject of the submitted work is the proposal of electrodes for the continual measurement of the glucose concentration for the purpose of specifying further hemodynamic parameters. The proposal includes the design of the electronic measuring system, the construction of the electrodes themselves and the functionality of the entire system, verified experimentally using various electrode materials. The proposed circuit works on the basis of micro-ammeter measuring the size of the flowing electric current and the electrochemical measurement method is used for specifying the glucose concentration. The electrode system is comprised of two electrodes embedded in a silicon tube. The solution consists of the measurement with three types of materials, which are verified by using three solutions with a precisely given concentration of glucose in the form of a mixed solution and enzyme glucose oxidase. For the testing of the proposed circuit and the selection of a suitable material, the testing did not take place on measurements in whole blood. For the construction of the electrodes, the three most frequently used materials for the construction of electrodes used in clinical practice for sensing biopotentials, specifically the materials Ag/AgCl, Cu and Au, were used. The performed experiments showed that the material Ag/AgCl, which had the greatest sensitivity for the measurement even without the enzyme, was the most suitable material for the electrode. This conclusion is supported by the performed statistical analysis. On the basis of the testing, we can come to the conclusion that even if the Ag/AgCl electrode appears to be the most suitable, showing high stability, gold-plated electrodes showed stability throughout the measurement similarly to Ag/AgCl electrodes, but did not achieve the same qualities in sensitivity and readability of the measured results.Web of Science2013art. no. 366

    Thrombotic and atherogenetic predisposition in polyglobulic donors

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    This work analyses the results of research regarding the predisposition of genetic hematological risks associated with secondary polyglobulia. The subjects of the study were selected based on shared laboratory markers and basic clinical symptoms. JAK2 (Janus Kinase 2) mutation negativity represented the common genetic marker of the subjects in the sample of interest. A negative JAK2 mutation hypothetically excluded the presence of an autonomous myeloproliferative disease at the time of detection. The parameters studied in this work focused mainly on thrombotic, immunological, metabolic, and cardiovascular risks. The final goal of the work was to discover the most significant key markers for the diagnosis of high-risk patients and to exclude the less important or only complementary markers, which often represent a superfluous economic burden for healthcare institutions. These research results are applicable as a clinical guideline for the effective diagnosis of selected parameters that demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity. According to the results obtained in the present research, groups with a high incidence of mutations were evaluated as being at higher risk for polycythemia vera disease. It was not possible to clearly determine which of the patients examined had a higher risk of developing the disease as different combinations of mutations could manifest different symptoms of the disease. In general, the entire study group was at risk for manifestations of polycythemia vera disease without a clear diagnosis. The group with less than 20% incidence appeared to be clinically insignificant for polycythemia vera testing and thus there is a potential for saving money in mutation testing. On the other hand, the JAK V617F (somatic mutation of JAK2) parameter from this group should be investigated as it is a clear exclusion or confirmation of polycythemia vera as the primary disease.Web of Science104art. no. 88